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Find, Analyse & Reach Opportunities
The UK’s best property tool to compare homes and land on and off the market. Become the expert in your region instantly with live comparables, time to sell, pricing, risk factoring and more, all on one map.
Find out who owns any property instantly and see over 250,000 landlords in the UK , the homes they own ,who they rent them through and more.
Access hundreds of thousands of properties for sale, filter them down to find the best opportunities for you in your area.
Property Developers, Sourcers, Architects, Estate Agents, Property Valuers, Retrofitters and some of the largest home buyers in the UK use us to give them an advantage over the competition.
Problems we solve for agents
- Know your market instantly ,see every sale, let, HMO ,landlord and more
- Find comparables for sales, see who has bought what and what any property is selling for
- Differentiate yourself using live mapping with hundreds of data overlays.
- Find opportunities for probate sales, auctions, invetoment properties,HMO's due in your area and more...
- Search over 250,000 landlords and see what they are renting in your area, who they are renting through and when its next due
- Investigate the charges on over 3 million properties to find out which investors are due to change finance and find mortgagte opportunities
Our latest ROI exersize was with a client who generated £48 return for every £1 spent. He picked up 4 landlords with one letter campaign. Yo u can try us for free and see you ROI from there
Setup / Onboarding
We have a self service programme so you can set up a trial instantly at
Training & Support
Our team will take you through a full set up and create you territories for you. We will show how to see everything for sale or rent, find landlords or see who is renting or selling in your area. Interact with HNWI and investors applying for planning in your patch and contact them all in one place. Then if you need extra support we have a full suite of videos and help guides as well as 1-2-1's.

Kieran SLinger
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