Agents Do Charity Well—But Can We Do It Even Better? | Kerfuffle

Agents Do Charity Well—But Can We Do It Even Better?

Last Friday, something magical happened—one of those rare moments (which, hopefully, are becoming less rare) when industry minds gathered to elevate the conversation and share some of our most personal life experiences.

PropX, much to the organisers' relief, was an outstanding success.

It all started when a small team of five industry friends, all trustees of the Propertymark Trust Charity, once sat down to brainstorm ideas for fundraising. Three possibilities emerged: they could organise a conference, perhaps a day of learning and inspiration, or maybe a fundraiser. A conference. A day of learning and inspiration. A fundraiser. Now repeat the last three sentences back to yourself, slowly, and channel your inner Steve Jobs—it sounds better.

When done right, charity is delivered without pity. Those in need shouldn’t have to beg or jump through hoops. It should be driven by nothing more than an extreme willingness to help and a deep empathy for others. The trustees of the Propertymark Trust embody this.

Charity, at its best, delivers a kind of justice, levelling the playing field for those dealt a difficult hand. It also reminds us to be humble—for, after all, there but for the grace of whatever you believe in go any of us. When done right, charity is delivered with magnanimity and compassion. It recognises that the darkest moments are often also the hardest times to ask for help. As a trustee of the Propertymark Trust, I’m proud to say this has overwhelmingly been my experience.

However, as we welcomed over 200 attendees to PropX, I was acutely aware that we were about to unveil one of the industry’s best-kept secrets. Our mission was not only to raise money for a worthy cause but to ensure every attendee left that IMAX theatre as an ambassador for the incredible work of the trust.

Fifteen speakers, each delivering 18 minutes of wisdom, personal stories, and business advice, were joined by like-minded supplier partners. Rather than dragging everyone to London, we chose a central location, making it affordable and accessible for all. We even brought in a controversial keynote speaker—Netflix star Daniel Daggers of Buying London, interviewed by Simon Leadbetter. His message surprised, inspired, and reassured the audience that the challenges estate agents face are the same whether selling properties worth £75,000 or £75 million.

We laughed together—because laughter is a tonic, easing the weight of difficult subjects such as illness, belonging, suicide, mental health, self-belief, and self-care. We cried together, moved by the stories and experiences shared by our speakers. At some point, a transformation occurred: we arrived as delegates and left as friends.

As an industry, we are starting to organise conferences that are different, challenging, and rewarding. The true measure of success is how much of your voice you can add to the global conversation—what you can give, rather than what you can take. There are no shiny trophies handed out, but we all leave feeling like winners.

Agents do charity immensely well—they always have. One need only attend the Agents Giving Ball to see the vast array of fundraising activities and challenges. However, the Propertymark Trust acknowledges that estate agents face unique challenges.

As the Voice of the Agent survey confirmed, the public doesn’t always have a glowing opinion of us. Our business model breeds insecurity, with cash flow a constant worry for business owners. We’re almost unique in that we don’t get paid until the service is fully delivered, and even then, there’s no guarantee of payment if a transaction falls through at the last minute. Disregarding the larger corporate entities, we are largely an industry of small to medium-sized businesses. This means the burden of responsibility falls on the business owners—responsibility to their customers, staff, and families, often at the expense of their own well-being. Too often, we lack legacies, life insurance, or any contingency plans for when life goes wrong.

And yet, we’re expected to deliver exceptional customer service consistently. We’re expected to project a constant image of friendliness and helpfulness. It’s a dichotomy that can make us difficult to live with—fragile, stressed, and, in some cases, ticking time bombs of anxiety. We deserve our own charities, ones that address the unique needs of our profession. We deserve support to pursue further learning and qualifications, to help us progress in our careers. We deserve a safety net if we are hit with major illness, or if the very worst happens to us or our families.

If we can keep this conversation going, if we can continue to provide safe spaces to share our experiences without fear of judgement, we stand a real chance of changing the emotional climate in which we work. The change is palpable—we still have a long way to go, but it feels like, in an industry riven by competition, we’re beginning to realise that what we can achieve together far outweighs the darkness we face when we’re alone.

This is the part where I’m supposed to say I’m proud of our team, that goes without saying. But the truth is, I’m beyond proud of this industry and what it’s capable of when we give generously. While it’s safe to say that PropX is now firmly on the map of must-attend events, the Propertymark Trust is no longer a well-kept secret. You can do your part too: be kinder to yourself, and don’t wait too long to ask for help. After all, we all need it from time to time.

Whether you're an agent or an industry supplier partner, there are numerous ways to get involved with the Propertymark Trust. Attend an event, volunteer, or simply spread the word. The work we're doing is transformative, and together, we can make a real difference in the lives of agents and the wider community.

To find out more about the Property Mark Trust click here.

PropX Special Podcast



Posted by

David Mintz

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