Rules of phone etiquette you should definitely follow in business | Kerfuffle

Rules of phone etiquette you should definitely follow in business

Despite an array of digital communications now available to customers when they need to contact a business, picking up the phone in the hope of speaking to an actual person remains the most popular.

How a business answers the phone can set the tone for the customer experience and getting this first step wrong immediately puts you on the back foot. 

So, with that in mind, here are a few phone etiquette rules that you shouldn’t ignore for your business. 

1Pick up the phone promptly, ideally within 4 rings 

Your customer’s time is valuable. No customer wants to be sat around listening to a phone ringing - Answering the call promptly should be standard practice.

2. Speak slowly and clearly

You’ve probably heard the term ‘phone voice’ to explain how some people’s voices change when they answer a call. You don’t have to sound like someone from the set of Downton Abbey, but you should always speak slowly, clearly and enunciate when answering a business phone

3. Be enthusiastic (even try smiling)

It’s often said that up to 90% of communication is non-verbal, but when you’re answering the phone, surely that doesn’t matter, well be sure to know it does matter. One of the biggest things you can do to improve your enthusiasm is smiling.

4. Introduce yourself and your business clearly

“Hello,” “Hi,” or “Hiya” may be fine for family and friends, but you don’t want to leave customers questioning if they’ve reached the right company. Instead, you should introduce yourself and the company immediately using your name and company name when you answer.

5.  Listen to what they need

When a customer is calling, they need the confidence that you’ll be able to deal with the call, or at least point them in the right direction.

When they call, listen carefully to exactly what they’re saying – it sounds obvious but it’s easy to get distracted if you’re in a busy office with lots happening. 

6. Learn how call transfers work

If you’ve ever been a customer on the receiving end of an awkward call, where the person struggles to transfer you because they don’t know how to operate the phone, you’ll understand how it fails to inspire confidence.

7. Take accurate messages

There’s nothing worse than receiving a vague message after missing a customer’s call, and it’s equally annoying to be the customer who, when called back, has to repeat all the information from the first call because the message wasn’t taken correctly.

8. End the call properly

Once you’ve dealt with their initial enquiry and resolved it as best you can at the time, ask if there’s anything else they need help with, and don’t forget to take the time to thank them for calling and sign off the call properly.

9. Not got time for dealing with calls? Try using a telephone answering service

When you’re busy trying to get things done and the phone rings, it’s easy to answer as if the caller is a distraction from what you’re trying to do.

When these problems start to build up and become frequent, one solution to consider is investing in a professional call answering service.

With this service, you’ll never have to worry about managing incoming calls, as your team of in-house virtual receptionists and call handlers will deal with everything for you.

At Face For Business, all our call handlers undergo thorough training, so they’ll always be on hand to answer calls professionally and ensure you and the customer get the outcome you want.

Give us a try, completely free, and let’s see if we’re a good fit. Call us on 01704 898400.


Find out more about the Face For Business here

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Chayne Bennett

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