Suppliers... We bring to you exciting new features & functions | Kerfuffle


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Suppliers... We bring to you exciting new features & functions

See how you can make the most out of our new features & functions... 

Starting with Anchors to Supplier Pages! 

The ability to drive social media posts drawing attention to your company's reviews will be great, whether it's a text review or video review.  

Include in your proposals or email campaigns, newsletters etc. ‘See our latest reviews on Kerfuffle here at XYZ…’

Shout about ‘We were on Kerfuffle recently where we did a webinar about XYZ , see that and the others we’ve done here ….

A nice simple way for suppliers to flag their integration partners.

A nice way of being able to set the expectations in the marketplace of how long you should be planning for going live.

Shout about your trophy room of triumphs at all awards.

Check out our other new features and functions that will be of benefit to you 

Launching a new business or idea 


Net Promoter scores 

Getting the most out of Kerfuffle Kampus



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