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TDS has invested in OpenBrix and has agreed a licensing deal that will see the tlyfe app launched across the UK. OpenBrix is a property platform provider which features: tlyfe: a...

2 minute read

For most tenants, getting the funds for a new deposit while waiting for their existing one to be returned can be difficult. With the latest update of the Renters Reform bill, we take a...

4 minute read

The check-out report is a critical point in the tenancy and has the power to make the moving-out process run smoothly – or, if managed badly, it can cause broken relationships, disputes...

3 minute read

DATA released by iamproperty’s award-winning auction service iamsold has shown that the most lucrative city for auction sales in July, outside of London, was Nottingham. Following another...

2 minute read

Here is a thought leadership article from PayProp No residential letting agent needs to be reminded of the unbreakable golden rule – client funds must be kept separate from...

4 minute read

As the cost-of-living crisis continues to bite, new call data from Moneypenny, shows eco features are falling off the wish-list of prospective house buyers.  The company, which...

2 minute read

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