
Welcome to Scan A Sign?

Traditional QR codes have a significant limitation: once printed, they permanently point to a single URL. But Smart QR Codes from Scan A Sign offer a dynamic alternative.

Using Smart QR Codes, you can update the destination of your printed QR codes at any time through the Scan A Sign dashboard. This means your printed materials stay relevant because you can redirect the same QR code to different web pages whenever needed, and as often as you want to. The dashboard allows you to create and manage unlimited QR codes, giving you complete control over where each QR Code point to.

Think of it like a digital traffic sign that you can update whenever you want. The QR code stays the same, but you can change where it points to.

Problems we solve for agents

For Estate Agents, QR codes that are dynamic,  allowing agents to reuse the same signboards and QR Codes for multiple properties, reducing waste and printing expenses.

For Buyers: Buyers can scan a QR code on a signboard to instantly access detailed property information, eliminating the need to call agents or search online manually.


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