
Free, impartial and independent service, resolving disputes between Consumers and Property Agents since 1990.

The Ombudsman’s resolutions are designed to achieve a full and final settlement of the dispute and all claims made by either party. The Ombudsman can, where appropriate, make compensatory awards in individual cases up to a maximum of £25,000 for actual and quantifiable loss and/or for aggravation, distress and/or inconvenience caused by the actions of an agent.


TPO is a not-for-profit independent company. Its unitary Board has 9 Non-Executive Directors, including its independent Chair, Baroness Diana Warwick.

The Board appoints the Ombudsman, sets the Terms of Reference for the scheme and has responsibility for raising sufficient funds for the administration and functioning of the scheme. The Board has no role in the discharge of the Ombudsman's duties or decisions.

Government Approval

TPO is a government-approved scheme to provide independent redress in relation to disputes between consumers and property agents.

Statistics and commentary for each of TPO’s approval from the Department for Communities and Local Government, the Chartered Trading Standards Institute and the National Trading Standards Estate Agency Team, can be found here.

Redress not Regulation

The Ombudsman provides redress, where appropriate, to consumers whose complaints are considered on a case by case basis. The Ombudsman is not a regulator and does not have the authority to take regulatory or legal action against an agent, impose fines or dictate the way agents conduct their business.

Ombudsman Association

TPO is a full member of the Ombudsman Association and has adopted the Association's Service Standards Framework (which sets out best practice for ombudsmen schemes). TPO has been validated by the Association as adhering to its principles of good governance for ombudsmen schemes (independence, transparency, accountability, integrity, clarity of purpose, effectiveness).

Approved ADR Body

TPO is approved by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute under the ADR Regulations 2015.


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