
We’re here to make your home work better for you

Our homes are our most valuable assets and they shape our lives in so many ways. They are the places where we build our families, make friends and store much of our wealth. That’s why the choices you make regarding your home are so important. And yet the tools available to us simply aren’t up to the job. Which is where we come in.

We’re giving you the knowledge and power to make practical, well-informed decisions on your property journey - whether you’re new to the market, you’ve decided it’s time to make your next home your dream home, or you want to make the most of your rental properties.

There’s so much potential in your property - and helping you realise this potential is what we’re all about. It’s our mission to help you:

  • Maximise your home’s value
  • Sell your home faster
  • Buy a home with greater confidence
  • Maximise your rental returns
  • Find and build great relationships with your tenants
  • Manage your home
  • Store all your documents in one convenient place
  • Make better use of the equity in your home

Building the bigger picture

To make this possible, Twindig is building a complete picture of the property market - one which includes an online profile for every single one of the UK’s 28 million homes. And that’s what sets us apart.

Property portals might show you the 1 million properties you can view and buy today, but for every home on the open market, there’s another where the owner is considering their next move and could be open to offers. And there are another 7 where the owner has a pretty good idea where they want to move next.

Imagine if you had this knowledge available to you on your property journey.

That’s why we’re enabling owners to claim their homes and, through answers to a few simple questions, build a bigger picture of the UK property market and a valuable resource. A bigger picture makes for a clearer picture, so you can make clearer choices.

Our homes have sustained and protected us all through an incredibly challenging period, and now it’s time that we return the favour. There will be more challenges ahead, but it’s our aim to help get the market moving again, for the benefit of all.


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