Veya Supplier Spotlight on innovative title deed analysis tool - Agent Veya
Jason Howarth, Founder & Chief Product Officer
John McAuley, CEO
Hannah Lloyd-Jones, Marketing Manager
Where can I watch this webinar? Watch on the Kerfuffle Facebook page, LinkedIn or YouTube.
Learn more about Veya
Veya is a title deed analysis tool that gives Estate Agents a unique insight into potential issues with the properties they’re working with. Veya’s technology platform provides Agents with an easy to understand overview of any property, helping them to win instructions, speed up transactions, and reduce fall-throughs in the transaction process. It also provides a seamless link into ID&V and compliance.
Visit the Veya landing page for more information and to see reviews
What will be discussed?
- Why an understanding of title deeds is important for Estate Agents
- How Veya simplifies this information in an easy-to-use format
- Why Veya’s tool can be extremely valuable in winning instructions and speeding up sales.
Where can I watch this webinar? Watch on the Kerfuffle Facebook page, LinkedIn or YouTube.