Let’s spread some positivity in the industry | Kerfuffle

Let’s spread some positivity in the industry

We know many of you are up to wonderful things to give your clients, staff and local communities the support they desperately need right now. Please share your inspiring stories and help us spread some happiness.

Here are our first shout outs:

Land & New Homes Network

What a fantastic initiative the ‘We’re here to help’ cards are that you’ve created and shared across your network for agents to put through people’s doors. So you copied the idea of a university lecturer – we don’t care, it’s amazing and it’s exactly what people need right now. Nice one guys!

View their kerfuffle profile here 


We caught up with Moneypenny yesterday. The mountain they have climbed to make sure their lovely team are still on the phones for their clients – we didn’t expect anything less from this wonderful bunch to be honest who always go that extra mile to make sure their quality is never impacted. We heard their IT team have been delivering desktops to all of the homes of the receptionists and they’ve been able to take their work chair home too so that they are comfortable. They’ve also fast-tracked the development of some new products and services that will be absolute gold for their clients right now. And apparently it has all been seamless – sickening! So much love for these guys.

View their kerfuffle profile here


They’ve done the right thing in the end so let’s cut them some slack. They’re offering agents a 75% rate cut for the next 4 months. This will be automatically applied to their bills making it an actual no-brainer for their clients. Yes you’ve got deep pockets, but you’ve also dug deep too. Well done for turning things around.


9 months free for anyone leaving Rightmove. Of course they’re going to try and capitalise on RM’s mistake – it was an open goal for them. But with Rightmove’s response it will be interesting to see how this one plays out. All the same, we’re sure agents will be appreciative of the offer of a freebie during these torrid times.


The team at Yomdel are doing everything they can to help their client partners. They have just recently launched their rapid-to-deploy emergency live chat teams. It's essentially a 24/7 live chat service so that agents can continue to interact with the public. Fantastic work, Yomdel! 

View their kerfuffle profile here


Callwell has done a number of things to help their clients transition through this new, unprecedented period. Not only have they slashed their monthly subscription rate by 50%, but they are also providing emergency contracts, allowing agents to pay as they go for three months without any further commitment. In addition to all this, Callwell has pledged 0% rates for their customers when the UK goes into total lockdown.

If you’re an agent and a supplier has been great at supporting you in these tough times why not leave them a review to share your experiences.

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Posted by

Janaki Kumar

kerfuffle marketing jedi

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